Wednesday, February 8, 2012

A Day In Which Nothing Happened

I wanted to write so badly yesterday, but my mind was completely blank. I didn't read or hear anything interesting and I didn't have any epiphanies.

Obviously, I talked to God, as I always do. And I was saying that I need something to help me figure out who I am as a person. For a long time every move I made was controlled and at 27 I really have no clue on what to do with myself.

This morning I was reading one of my favorite blogs The Dainty Squid. And she had a book recommendation for a journal that ask you a question a day over a five year period. I realized that this would be a good investment for me, I'd be able to see how I change as a person leaving my twenties and entering my thirties.

I was also inspired by Kaylah to take pictures of my collections. I only have three at the moment, my dolls, my yarn, and my re-ment.I'll most likely start with my dolls first, since they are most interesting to me. Just to let you know they all have first, middle, and last names, birth dates, and biographies. My mind is constantly on go and I always thinking of new ideas, which is why I can never get one thing done without moving onto something else. So, writing about this dolls, who are actually representative characters in a book I was writing, has helped me stay focused on something.

I also had a remembrance of my Gameboy and how the original Kirby's Dreamland and Tom and Jerry were my favorite games. Compared to the gaming systems now it was so primitive, but I thought it was amazing. Remember when Gameboy Color came out, I had the translucent purple one. It was $129 dollars, my grandmother got it for my birthday. I would sit for hours and play Tetris, I actually beat the game and I would watch the spaceship float around, it was awesome. I think I'm going to go on eBay and buy some old games.

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